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February 17, 2021 - Return to Sport Reminder from OBA


Keeping Safe With New Restrictions

We remind all teams, local associations and affiliated associations that we must continue to follow the Province of Ontario's COVID-19 Orders, public health guidance and Baseball Ontario's Return to Sport Protocols as we resume baseball activities. Here are further details as to what this means.

As many regions of the province move out of Stage 1 - Shutdown and Stage 1 - Grey, teams and associations may be looking to use private facilities for indoor workouts. While this is generally permitted, we must make sure the following protocols are being adhered to:
  • No team can travel to a centre with different restrictions in order to conduct baseball activities. For example, currently a team in Wellington County (Red) cannot travel to Grey Bruce Region (yellow) for a practice or training session, or vice versa. Similarly, no team from Peel (Shutdown) can travel to Halton (Red). Note: Green Zone, Yellow Zone and Orange Zone all have the same restrictions and movement is allowed between those zones.
  • Players are subject to the restrictions where they live even if their team is based in another region.
  • Players in Stage 1 - Shutdown and Stage 1 - Grey Zone are not permitted to return to baseball activities.
  • All indoor private facilities should be following the Provincial Orders and public health guidance. In addition, they may have adopted their own protocols specific to their facility. We encourage all teams to check with the facility on how they are managing the number of people present at one time, and what forms you are required to sign.
  • Utilizing an attendance tracker is mandatory! Whether you use the Baseball Ontario OnDeck app or some other resource, you must keep records of all attendees at each event in case contact tracing is required.
  • Ensure teams have hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes readily available, which are to used in accordance with Baseball Ontario's Return to Sport guidelines. Try to avoid sharing of bats or other equipment. Equipment that must be shared must be sanitized between users.
  • No out of province travel in order to conduct baseball activities is permitted at this time.
  • Keep in mind that the above is only a summary and the actual Provincial Orders and public health guidance should be consulted. Please continue to be diligent in your safety practices, and when in doubt stay home.
Thank you and stay safe and healthy!

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