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Newmarket Baseball Association

Umpire Code of Conduct

Newmarket Baseball Association

Umpire Code of Conduct


I will make sure that every athlete has a reasonable opportunity to perform to the best of his or her ability, within the limits of the rules.

I will avoid or put an end to any situation that threatens the safety of the athletes.

I will maintain a healthy atmosphere and environment for competition.

I will not permit the intimidation of any athlete either by word or by action. | will not tolerate unacceptable conduct toward myself, other officials, athletes or spectators.

I will be consistent and objective in calling all infractions, regardless of my personal feelings toward a team or individual athlete.

I will handle all conflicts firmly but with dignity.

I accept my role as a teacher and role model for fair play, especially with young participants.

I will be open to discussion and contact with the athletes before and after the game.

I will remain open to constructive criticism and show respect and consideration for different points of view.

I will obtain proper training and continue to upgrade my officiating skills. Failure to comply with this code of conduct will result in disciplinary action.

The essential elements of character-building and ethics in baseball are embodied in the concept of sportsmanship and six (6) core principles: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and good citizenship. The highest potential of the game of baseball is achieved when competition reflects these "six pillars of character" and in an effort to achieve this potential, Newmarket Baseball has developed and will enforce Codes of Conduct for every level of membership in the association.

The Newmarket Baseball Association Board is adopting a ZERO tolerance policy and failure to adhere to these Codes of Conduct will result in appropriate disciplinary action at the discretion of the Newmarket Baseball Association Disciplinary Action

  1. Disciplinary Action for Code of Conduct infractions will, as a general rule, follow multi- tiered disciplinary approach, with the severity of the penalty increasing for each subsequent infraction. However, the Newmarket Baseball Association Board reserves the right to impose a more severe penalty than the next subsequent tier in the process should the infraction warrant such a penalty. The penalties, in increasing order of severity are as follows:

1st Infraction - Written Warning
2nd Infraction - Single Game Suspension
3rd Infraction - Multi Game Suspension
4th Infraction - Season Long Suspension (Pending Fair Hearing)
5th Infraction - Removal from Newmarket Baseball Association Membership (Pending Technical Hearing)

  1. All reports of Code of Conduct infractions must be submitted in writing to the Newmarket Baseball office and will be subject to the same process that is in place for handling complaints.



  1. The Newmarket Baseball Association reserves the right to reject membership in such a case where the previous record of behaviour unbecoming a member of the Newmarket Baseball Association has been evident.

  2. Membership may be revoked at any time to an individual who has been deemed by the Newmarket Baseball Association to be in contravention of the Bylaw or Operating Procedures. Such action shall only result after a fair hearing, and a majority vote of the Board

Registration is open for all players 4-18 years old!


Become an Umpire with Newmarket Baseball! Ages 12 and up!


New for 2025 - Player Evaluation Days for 7U, 9U, 11U and 13U!


Indoor Training is Back!
