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Newmarket Baseball Association

Rep / Select Manager Policy

Newmarket Baseball Association
Responsibilities of all Rep and Select Managers


This Policy is applicable to NBA Rep and Select Team Managers only.

It is the policy of the NBA to evaluate, throughout the season, the conduct and performance of each NBA Rep and Select Team Manager. This Policy is applicable to NBA Rep and Select Teams only.

It is also the Rep and Select Team Manager's responsibility to ensure that all players, parents, and coaches abide by the NBA Code of Conduct.

The Rep and Select Team Manager's Responsibilities include, but are not limited to those items listed below.


A. Tryouts and Player Selection

Each Rep and Select Manager shall conduct team try-outs, for the purpose of evaluating and selecting players. Tryouts are scheduled by the NBA, with the evaluation, selection of players being the responsibility of each Rep and Select Team Manager. It is also the Rep and Select Team Manager's responsibility to ensure that all players who attend try-outs have registered with the NBA, and as such, both the player and the NBA are protected by the OBA's Insurance Policy.

All players will try out for the AAA team.  Once 12 players are selected the remaining participants will try out for the AA team.  Upon selecting 12 players, the remaining participants will try out for the A team. Once 12 players are chosen the rest will try out for the Select team.

Guidelines for Player Selection include the following.

  1. All Players must be registered with the NBA before participating in tryouts.

  2. All Players must attend a minimum of 1 tryout. Only in exceptional circumstances can a Manager waive a player from attending tryouts. Such circumstances include injury, family obligations, excluding vacation, and/or conflicts with other obligations that a player may have.

  3. After a period of time, once a player has been fairly evaluated by the Manager, that player may be released from all 3 teams. A player may request a release must be made in writing, and provided to the player in an envelope. At the final try-out, all remaining players are provided an envelope that either provides an invitation to join the team, or provides the Player a release from the team.

  4. For AAA, AA, A, and Select teams, a minimum of 12 players must be selected at the final scheduled tryout. Where the number of players attending tryouts warrants a AAA, AA, A and Select team in the same age group, the AAA, AA, A and Select team is restricted to not select any more players than half of the total number of players attending tryouts, plus one additional player.

  1. Exceptions to this guideline may be accepted by the Director of Rep and Select and may require NBA Executive approval, depending on the circumstance.


B. Playing Time & Player Development


These are very subjective issues, but it remains the mandate of the NBA that each Rep and Select Team player be provided the opportunity to learn at least two defensive positions, with one being an Infield position. This mandate is most applicable to AA, A and Select teams, but the NBA mandate also includes all AAA, AA, A, and Select teams, especially for teams 13U and below.

For AAA, AA, A and Select teams, the Manager have a responsibility to provide as equal playing time as may be afforded to all players, as circumstances dictate, and defensive abilities allow.


C. Team Administration

  1. Each Manager is ultimately responsible for all Team Administrative functions, including the following.

  2. The timely submission of the Team's playing roster to the Registrar. Ensuring that correct and proper certification is obtained, as set worth by the YSBA.OBA.

  3. Ensuring that all scores for League Games, Tournament Games, and Exhibition games are promptly reported, as set out in the YSBA Constitution.

  4. Ensuring that all coaches are certified per the guidelines set out by the OBA.

  5. Responsible to ensure that all fundraising campaigns receive prior approval by the NBA

  6. Responsible for a full and complete accounting of the Teams operating budget, outlining all revenue, and expenses, and the disposition of any remaining funds.

  7. To ensure that all equipment supplied by the NBA is properly maintained, and returned to the NBA at a time and date published by the Equipment Director.

  8. Ensuring that the NBA Uniform Code is adhered to.

  9. Ensuring that at all times, the NBA Code of Conduct is adhered to, by all players, parents and coaches.

  10. Ensuring that all roster have the proper releases the correct number of imports as per YSBA

The NBA reserves the right to discipline any Rep and Select Team Manager, in the event that these Responsibilities are not met. Discipline may include Written

Warning, Suspension, and/or loss of the Team's rights and privileges associated with being a NBA Rep and Select Team entry in the YSBA. All Disciplines will be reviewed and assessed by the NBA Executive, at the recommendation of the Director of Rep and Select


Newmarket Baseball Association

Rep and Select Manager’s Responsibility And Guidelines

  • Manager’s position is selected every year, no manager is guaranteed a team beyond the current season.

  • Applications should be submitted to the NBA prior to August 24 each year.

  • Interview of applicants is at the discretion of the Selection Committee.

  • The successful and not so successful candidates will be notified in early September and must be prepared to run tryouts in September and ensure all tryout fees are paid in the sum of $20.00 per player, online.

  • Managers are responsible for selecting their own coaches and players.

  • Tryouts - each season will be scheduled in the last three weekends in September

  • Tryouts - each division the AAA team shall have the first pick of players. Then AA, A & select Managers are responsible for organizing, planning and running a practice and training schedule for their team.

  • Equipment and bags shall remain with the division each year.

  • Gyms are made available for off season training

  • Additional training may be used if desired.

  • Managers are required to attend a Manager’s meeting usually held on the second or the last week of each month.

  • Managers will be required to convene at tournaments hosted by the NBA

  • The 11U manager will host the annual silver bat tournament with the 10U Manager and coaches participating.

  • The 13U managers will participate in the annual CNE tournament.

  • Managers are responsible for their own budgets and fundraising as per the NBA guideline

  • and this is subject to the board scrutiny.

  • Managers are held accountable for their behaviour when representing Newmarket Baseball Association as well as the behaviour of their players, coaches and the player’s parents.

  • In more serious matters subject to a decision of the Board, a Manager and Assistant coaches may be removed from the team.

  • A budget must be submitted to the Director of Rep and Select at the beginning of the year and a year-end Final budget to the  Director of Rep and Select, and budget with excess funds at the end of the season shall be paid out to the parents.

  • Managers have to attend two YSBA coaches meeting.

  • Managers have to fill out team rosters, attach copy of player’s birth certificate and if the team has import players a copy of the players release to be attached and submitted to the  Director of Rep and Select by March 15. Managers will be allowed to attend four tournaments per year, any additional tournament must be approved by the  Director of Rep and Select

  • YSBA season starts the second week of May.

  • The YSBA OBA qualifying tournament will be held the second week of August.

  • It is the Manager’s responsibility to inform oneself with the playing rules Constitution and

  • Bylaws of the NBA, YSBA and OBA.

  • Out of province tournament managers must obtain a letter of permission from the NBA and Permission from YSBA and OBA along with additional insurance.

  • Manager Coach or player is not allowed to approach any player for whom their Local Association does not hold the playing rights with the intention of securing said player.

  • A team which desire to participate in exhibition games, must first secure the permission of their Local Association and Affiliated Association.

  • The team is not allowed to participate in an exhibition game with a non OBA recognised team. Managers or coaches shall not give player releases.


This is a general outline of some of the responsibilities of Rep and Select managers for the NBA.  A more detailed outline will be provided at coach meetings.

Registration is open for all players 4-18 years old!


Become an Umpire with Newmarket Baseball! Ages 12 and up!


New for 2025 - Player Evaluation Days for 7U, 9U, 11U and 13U!


Indoor Training is Back!
