Outfield Advertising Banner Sponsorship
Advertising Banners at Newmarket’s Premium Diamonds
Sponsors are able to purchase premium ad space on the outfield fences at any of three of the premium baseball diamonds in Newmarket. The diamonds include: McKnight: Whipper Watson: and Armstrong Diamond. You will have a chance to work with professional designers to create the perfect eye-catching sign for your company.
We had nearly 900 players registered in 2024. Our players share the diamonds 6 days a week, from May until October! Meaning, for only $1,000 (the first year), you can easily reach thousands of people each season.
This is a great way to advertise your company and to support youth baseball in our community.
Each new sign is only $1,000 for the first season!
Your $1,000 outfield sign fee includes:
One 4’x 8’; high quality; weatherproof; fade resistant; vinyl sign; in FULL COLOR
Set up and design
Choice of location - McKnight, Whipper Watson, Armstrong
Displayed from May to mid-October
Discounted fee for multi-year or renewed ads
To get in on this amazing opportunity please complete the attached form below and email to admin@newmarketbaseball.com. You will be contacted within 1-2 days to discuss final details.
Click Here for the Outfield Advertising ApplicationThank you for your support of Newmarket Baseball Association!