2025 Newmarket Baseball Operational Procedures
Operational Procedures for 2025 Season
The name of the Association shall be the "Newmarket Baseball Association" or NBA.
The Newmarket Baseball Association is governed by the Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act, 2010 (“ONCA”)
The Newmarket Baseball Association operates under the rules and guidelines of the Ontario Baseball Association (“OBA”) and the York Simcoe Baseball Association (“YSBA”).
The Newmarket Baseball Association (“NBA”) aims to provide year-round organized baseball through league games and player development programs from beginner to elite level players in an atmosphere that, for all participants in any league or program, emphasizes sportsmanship, respect for each other and respect for the rules.
Through the efforts of our administrators, Board of Directors, volunteers, coaches, umpires, program leaders, sponsors, players and fans, we aspire to have all participants enjoy the game of baseball, create new friendships, and develop life skills that ultimately allow everyone involved to have been enriched by their experience with the Newmarket Baseball Association.
The objectives of the NBA shall be:
to promote amateur baseball and sportsmanship through coordination and control of competition for members
to sustain the growth of the membership
to provide the premier baseball skill development program in the YSBA.
Costs will be determined annually based on projected expenses. Costs will be divided between the House League system, the Select system, the Representative Team system, and the Elite Team system based on projected revenues and costs for each.
Newmarket residents and non-residents will be permitted to register on a first-come, first-served basis.
House League Fees for the 2025 year shall be as outlined below:
Early Bird Fees end February 28th, 11:59pm,
Regular Fees from March 1 to April 30th, 11:59pm
Late fee applies after May 1st
Division |
Early Bird |
Reg fees |
Late Fees |
T-Ball |
$260 |
$300 |
$340 |
7U |
$340 |
$380 |
$460 |
9U |
$370 |
$415 |
$480 |
11U |
$380 |
$425 |
$480 |
13U |
$400 |
$440 |
$500 |
15U |
$400 |
$440 |
$500 |
18U |
$410 |
$450 |
$500 |
House League Fees include:
1 jersey
1 cap
Team and Individual Photo
Awards and Trophies
Individual player Elite, Rep and Select player registration fees fees are due within 48 hours of receiving an offer to be on the team. If a player’s fees are not paid within the required time frame, they will not be considered to be in good standing and may be removed from the team.
Individual Elite, Rep and Select player registration fees for the 2025 year shall be as outlined below:
Division |
Fees |
8U Rep |
$450.00 |
9U Rep |
$450.00 |
10U Rep |
$450.00 |
11U Rep |
$450.00 |
11U Select |
$450.00 |
12U Rep |
$450.00 |
13U Rep |
$450.00 |
13U Select |
$450.00 |
14U Rep |
$450.00 |
14U AAA Rep |
$450.00 |
15U Rep |
$450.00 |
15U Select |
$450.00 |
15U Elite |
$450.00 |
16U Rep |
$450.00 |
16U Elite |
$450.00 |
18U Rep |
$450.00 |
18U Elite |
$450.00 |
22U Rep |
$ TBD* |
*22U Rep player player registration fees are to be determined prior to the beginning of their playing season. 22U player registration fees are due by June 1st.
Elite, Rep and Select player registration fees include:
NBA Membership
2 jerseys and 1 cap
Baseball ON insurance
Photos and awards
Admin salaries
Office overhead (rent, website, marketing, etc.)
Reserve Fund
Nationals Fund
Elite, Rep and Select Team fees are due February 1st.*
Team Fees for Elite, Rep and Select for the 2025 Season are outlined below:
Rep and Select 13U and younger |
$6,800.00 |
Rep and Select 14U - 18U |
$7,300.00 |
Elite |
$7,800.00 |
The Elite, Rep and Select team fee covers:
Coach jerseys and caps
Diamond permits
Umpire fees
General equipment fund
(bases, L-screens, etc.)
OBA Provincials fund
YSBA association fees
Three or more players in the same family qualify for a $50 discount on the third and subsequent registrations.
6.6 Refund Policy
6.6.1 House League:
All player refund requests should be directed to the Director of Registration and Social Media.
Refunds shall be given, less a 20% administration fee, if requested prior to May 31st
Refunds shall be given, less a 50% administration fee, if requested between June 1st and June 30th.
Refunds shall not be given after June 30th.
However, in the event of an injury the Director of Registration and Social Media will review each individual case.
6.6.2 Elite, Rep and Select:
The player registration fee paid for all Elite, Rep and Select teams is not refundable.
6.6.3 NSF cheques will be subject to a handling charge of $45.00.
6.7 In the rep, select and house league programs, no manager (head coach), assistant coach, trainer, administrative staff or any other team members are permitted to be paid for their services without approval from the board of directors.
7.1 Sponsorship Fees
Sponsorship fees for the 2024 season shall be set as follows:
Breakdown |
Fees |
Elite/Rep Teams |
$750.00 |
Select Teams |
$750.00 |
House League Teams |
$500.00 |
7.2 Additional Team Sponsorship
All additional sponsorship should be reported to the Newmarket Baseball Association.
Provided a primary ($750) sponsor (or two primary sponsors of $375 each) has been secured for an Elite, Representative or Select team, then that team may accept additional sponsorship contributions consistent with the following guidelines. A committee of the President, Director of Rep and Select and one other executive member will have discretion to ensure compliance with these guidelines, and to provide additional specific guidance to teams that have additional sponsorship opportunities not addressed in these general guidelines:
7.2.1 It is important that the primary team sponsor(s) be acknowledged at every opportunity throughout the season, display of the Logo Banner in a conspicuous location at every team event (including games, practices, tournaments), invitations to attend games and tournaments, team photos, recognition on a team website. When recognition is being given for additional sponsors there should be an effort to maintain the status of the primary sponsor(s).
7.2.2 Although additional team sponsorships are administered by team coaches, managers and parents and not directly by the NBA, sponsors and others will naturally associate their contributions with the NBA and the reputation of the NBA and its members. Coaches, managers and parents involved in administering additional team sponsorships should manage these contributions and the funds in a way that would do credit to the NBA and its members, and should be prepared to provide the NBA with full and complete information and documentation of these additional sponsorships and use of these additional funds at any time on the request of the President, Director Rep and Select or Directors of House League.
7.2.3 Additional sponsor contributions, whether in money or in equipment or services, must not exceed $5,000 combined for a single season. Where no primary sponsor has been secured for the team, then the first $750 in additional sponsor contributions must be remitted to the NBA and will be considered to be the primary sponsorship (this may be from one or more additional sponsors, who will receive the normal league recognition as league Elite, Rep or Select sponsors.)
7.2.4 The NBA does not have a charitable license and is not able to issue charitable tax receipts. Receipts for contributions of $250 or more in money, equipment or service will be issued by the NBA on request by the team. Requests should be made to the Director of Finance.
7.2.5 All additional sponsor contributions must be accounted for on the team budget and financial summary provided to the Director of Rep and Select or Directors of House League.
7.2.6 In order to be consistent with the NBA focus on player development and training, the priority in spending additional sponsor funds should be on player development rather than on specialty apparel (i.e. very expensive jackets), or team trips not related to tournament play or development. Teams should work to a guideline of 50% of additional sponsorship funds being allocated for player development, with a minimum of 25%. Examples of direct player development include (but are not limited to): field equipment, training clinics, special trainers, training facility use/rental, etc.)
7.2.7 Additional sponsorship funds raised for a playing season will be treated as specific to that season’s team and should not be carried over into subsequent seasons.
7.2.8 Additional team sponsors may only have a logo on the team banner, to the side of the primary team sponsor’s logo. Additional sponsors may not be direct competitors to the primary sponsor.
7.2.9 The NBA board has the final approval on additional sponsors.
7.3 These guidelines do not apply to normal team fundraising efforts. All team fundraising events must be approved by the Newmarket Baseball Association. The administrator must be notified by email/phone of any team fundraising event. Approval will then be determined.
8.1 House League
For 2025, the NBA shall have the following House League Divisions,
T-Ball: |
Players turning 4 or 5 prior to December 31st of the registration year (i.e. born in 2020 or 2021) |
7U: |
Players turning 6 or 7 prior to December 31st of the registration year (i.e. born in 2018 or 2019) |
9U: |
Players turning 8 or 9 prior to December 31st of the registration year (i.e. born in 2016 or 2017) |
11U: |
Players turning 10 or 11 prior to December 31st of the registration year (i.e. born in 2014 or 2015) |
13U: |
Players turning 12 or 13 prior to December 31st of the registration year (i.e. born in 2012 or 2013) |
15U: |
Players turning 14 or 15 prior to December 31st of the registration year (i.e. born in 2010 or 2011) |
18U: |
Players turning 16, 17, 18 (i.e. born in 2007, 2008, 2009) |
8.1.1 Any player playing more than four (4) games for a Rep or Select team will be deemed on that Rep or Select team, and will not be allowed to play House League (a tournament being deemed as one game).
8.2 York Simcoe Representative Teams
For 2025 the NBA will offer Representative teams in the following categories based upon registration numbers:
8U |
Players born in 2017 |
9U |
Players born in 2016 |
10U |
Players born in 2015 |
11U |
Players born in 2014 |
12U |
Players born in 2013 |
13U |
Players born in 2012 |
14U |
Players born in 2011 |
15U |
Players born in 2010 |
16U |
Players born in 2009 |
18U |
Players born in 2007, 2008 |
22U |
Players born in 2005-2006 |
8.2.1 Rep and Select rosters shall be given to the Director of Rep and Select no later than Oct 20th.
8.3 York Simcoe Select Teams
For 2025, the NBA will offer Select teams in the following categories based upon registration numbers:
9U |
Players born in 2016 or 2017 |
11U |
Players born in 2014 or 2015 |
13U |
Players born in 2012 or 2013 |
15U |
Players born in 2010 or 2011 |
8.3.1 Dedicated Select Teams
The NBA may elect to field "dedicated" Select teams at the 9U, 11U, 13U and/or 15U levels. The decision to field a dedicated Select team will be made based on a number of factors including but not limited to:
a. The number of House League teams registered per division to consider a dedicated Select team.
b. The availability of a Select loop to ensure a viable number of games available for a dedicated team
c. Ability of the NBA to find suitable coaching
8.3.2 Any Player selected for a Dedicated Select team may not participate in any House League games. Any player on the dedicated team will be eligible as a call up to a Representative team for a maximum of four (4) games.
8.3.3 Players missing 50% or more of their House League games will be deemed ineligible for their non dedicated select team playoffs, including YSBAs.
8.4 Newmarket Elite Teams
For 2025, the NBA will offer Elite Teams in the following divisions:
15U Elite– 2010
16U Elite –2009
17U Elite– 2008
18U Elite - 2007
9.1 League Play
House League games are governed by rules established by the Director of Rules of Play and Umpires (Umpire-in-chief)
9.1.1 The Scheduler will produce a schedule of play at least two weeks prior to Opening Day and forwarded to the Directors of House League (Junior/Intermediate/Senior)
9.1.2 Upon special request or due to special circumstances, players may be assigned to divisions outside their age group if deemed necessary to fulfill the requirements of a full roster, upon approval of the Directors of House League. Any player wishing to play out of their own age group must submit a formal request in writing to the Director of Registration and Social Media to be deferred to the Directors of House League (Junior/Intermediate/Senior).
9.2 Equalization of Teams / Movement of Players
Players shall be assigned to House League teams at their own age division. Players may be moved to other teams in the division to equalize play. Directors of House League shall work in conjunction with the Managers to select the most favorable transfer for the teams involved.
Equalization shall be made within three weeks of Opening Day for the player’s division. Only in extraordinary circumstances shall a player be asked to move after that date.
All moves must be confirmed by the Directors of House League (Junior/Intermediate/Senior).
9.3 Manager Selection
9.3.1 The Directors of House League (Junior/Intermediate/Senior) shall select Managers and other team officials. Preference shall be given to Managers with a record of satisfactory performance in the NBA and to those with coaching training.
9.3.2 Managers will be strongly encouraged to undertake Initiation Level (NCCP) technical and theory training. Managers must complete any required coaching courses as per Baseball Ontario.
9.3.3 All coaches are to submit their Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC) which is valid for 3 years, prior to the start of the season.
9.3.4 The directors of junior, intermediate, senior teams are required to review all bench staff under the teams under their direction. The directors are to present to the board of directors a complete list of the bench staff on each team for approval.
9.4 House League Team Equipment
Each house league team manager will be provided with a coach bag, equipment required for the division/age group, and keys to open bunkers at diamonds, batting cage locks and lights (where applicable)
9.4.1 Each manager will be required to sign the NBA Team Equipment Release Form when receiving the coach bag, equipment and keys. This form will include all items provided to the team for use during the season and must be signed by the manager.
9.4.2 At the end of the season, each manager must return all equipment that has been provided. Failure to return the coach bag, equipment, keys and all property of the NBA at the end of the playing season may result in the manager being temporarily suspended as a registrant in good standing pending a disciplinary hearing.
9.5 Manager Removal
9.5.1 The NBA board shall remove a Manager or other team official under the authority of the President. This is an extraordinary event and shall be invoked rarely and for due cause.
9.5.2 Any Manager, Coach or Player will be ejected from a game for abusing an official of the NBA. Any threat by a Manager, Coach or Player to any NBA official will result in ejection from the game and suspension for the balance of the season. Any threat by a parent or guardian, or spectator, to any NBA official shall result in removal from the immediate area of the ballpark.
9.6 Championships
9.6.1 The preferred method for determining a house league division championship shall be a double knockout tournament format. Where this is impractical, other formats will be used. In all cases, the Directors of House League will approve playoff formats.
9.6.2 The NBA shall purchase and award annual and individual awards for these teams.
9.6.3 T-Ball will not play a competitive playoff. All players will receive an All Star award from the NBA.
9.6.4 Additional awards purchased by parents may be awarded but to avoid the appearance of divisional favoritism, may not be awarded as part of the Championship Weekend.
10.1 Manager Selection
10.1.1 Baseball Evaluation Committee
A Baseball Evaluation Committee (BEC) BEC shall be appointed by the President,and consists of the Director of Rep and 2 selected members of the Board of Directors.
The BEC shall have authority to evaluate, develop, appoint or refuse managers and coaches
The BEC or the Director of Rep and Select shall contact all teams throughout the year for program evaluation.
The BEC or Director of Rep and Select shall present a program report to the Board, based on team evaluation feedback and documented observations.
The BEC or Director of Rep and Select shall choose and post manager selections prior to Labour Day.
The BEC or Director of Rep and Select, on the recommendation of the individual team’s manager, shall approve coaches based on evaluating and grading the same criteria as manager.
The BEC or Director of Rep and Select shall implement measures when problems surface during the season by offering feedback, support and resources to managers, before the final option of manager dismissal.
The BEC shall weigh the following criteria:
· Previous experience in baseball coaching
· Practical and theoretical training in coaching baseball
· Leadership ability
· Demonstrated conduct, on and off the field, appropriate to minor sports programs
· Ability to select players on the basis of playing ability and sportsmanship
· Maintain membership in good standing
All Manager applicants shall receive an assessment of their interview if so requested.
10.1.2 Managers shall have completed or are working towards achieving current Baseball Ontario technical and theory training as outlined on the Baseball Ontario website prior to the start of the season. All managers and coaches must have completed all NCCP required courses prior to July 31st..
10.1.3 All Managers and Coaches must pass the Baseball Ontario Volunteer Screening Policy each year. In their first year as a manager or coach, each individual 18 years of
age or older must provide a valid Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC) and the Baseball Ontario Disclosure Form to the NBA within 6 weeks of being appointed a coaching position.
In the second and third year following the completion of a VSC, individuals must provide an Ontario Baseball Screening Renewal Form within 6 weeks of being appointed a coaching position.
In the fourth year, all managers and coaches must provide a new VSC and a new Baseball Ontario Disclosure Form.
10.1.4 The directors of elite, rep/select, junior, intermediate, senior teams are required to review all bench staff under the teams under their direction. The directors are to present to the board of directors a complete list of the bench staff on each team for approval.
10.1.5 All teams are to have a certified Medical Trainer as approved by the Chair of the Policies and Procedures of the YSBA.
10.1.6 The NBA President and Director of Rep and Select are not eligible to be managers/coaches of NBA Elite, Rep or Select teams except where no other candidates have applied for the role for a team and it would be deemed detrimental to not field a team in that division.
10.2 Manager Removal
10.2.1 A Manager or other team official may be removed by majority vote of the Baseball Evaluation Committee or by the NBA board.
10.2.2 Removal of a Manager will be based upon observed, documented evidence of incompetence in or omission of, one or more of the following:
General coaching and leadership abilities
Ability to teach baseball skills
Handling or control of players
Organizational and administrative skills
Regular practices (as diamond time and weather conditions permit)
Fair treatment of players
Demonstrated conduct on and off the field appropriate to minor sports programs
Support of the NBA and the Town of Newmarket
Lack of fair and equitable player playing time.
Lack of collecting and remitting fees or monies owed to NBA
Not following the guidelines and recommendations as set out by the NBA
The directors of elite, rep/select, junior, intermediate, senior teams are required to review all bench staff under the teams under their direction. The directors are to present to the board of directors a complete list of the bench staff on each team for approval.
10.3 Player Selection
All players registered in the NBA shall have the opportunity to try out for representative and select teams.
10.3.2 Non-Resident Players
Players not residing within the Newmarket Baseball Association boundaries as set out by YSBA shall be governed as per YSBA regulations.
10.3.3 Releases
Releases shall be reviewed after a written request to the Director of Rep and Select signifying the reason for requesting the release.
All releases will be subject to York Simcoe Baseball Association (YSBA) and Ontario Baseball Association (OBA) release policies.
A player that has played in Newmarket Baseball house league, select, rep or elite program for 3 consecutive years is considered a Legacy Player and will not need a release and is no longer considered an import player.
10.3.4 Players Advancing to a Higher Series
No players will be allowed to play up a series from 9U to 13U.
10.3.5 The NBA recommends that all teams have a minimum of twelve (12) players on their roster, if twelve (12) or more try out for that team. The manager must notify the Director of Rep and Select if they choose to have a team with less than 12 players.
10.3.6 The Newmarket Baseball board recommends that all players must attend a minimum of two (2) tryouts but a manager may sign a player after 1 tryout when necessary. The manager must notify the Director of Rep and Select by email within 24 hours of this signing.
10.4 Tournaments
Any teams entering into more than four (4) tournaments are required to get approval from the NBA Board. YSBA Championship, OBA Playoffs, and OBA Championships are not counted in the team’s listings of tournaments.
10.5 Exhibition Games
10.5.1 On Opening Day, all Rep and Select teams may play an exhibition game from 8U to 18U. YSBA or exhibition games shall be allowed on this day. Diamond and umpire costs will be paid by the NBA.
10.5.2 Any team entering into two or more exhibition games during the season are required to receive approval from the NBA. Diamond and umpiring fees for all exhibition games shall be billed to the teams.
10.6 Manager’s Restrictions
10.6.1 Managers shall not open a bank account in the name of NBA, Hawks, or NBA Hawks without written approval from the NBA Board.
10.6.2 Teams with more than four coaches are required to have express written approval from the NBA Board.
10.6.3 Managers and Assistant Coaches shall not visit or attend any other OBA affiliated association members annual tryouts.
10.7 OBA Tournament Fees
10.7.1 Teams representing the NBA at the OBA Provincial Championships will have the registration fees paid or refunded by the Director of Finance.
10.7.2 For attendance to the OBA Eliminations (13U, 15U, 18U) NBA will cover 50% of the registration fee.
10.7.3 For attendance to the OBA Eliminations for the 22U Team, NBA will cover 100% of the registration fee.
10.8 Manager and Parents Meetings
Manager and Parent meetings, from 8U to 18U, will comprise of a minimum of two members of the NBA Board if requested, one member of the Board being the Director of Rep and Select. These meetings are to be held as soon as possible after the selection of the team and as required during the season.
10.9 Tryout Fees
Tryout fees are set at $30 per player.
10.10 Team Budget
10.10.1 Initial team budgets shall be submitted to the BEC members no later than November 1st.
10.10.2 Team budgets may include (but are not limited to) the following expenses:
NBA Team Fees
Winter Training costs
Tournament Fees
Banners for Sponsors
Extra clothing items from Centretown for players (ie practice shirts, hoodies, etc)
Additional team jersey and cap costs for up to 4 coaches
Team Equipment that needs to be purchased
Extra Insurance for out of Province Tournaments
VSC cost for Manager and up to 3 assistant coaches
First aid certificate training cost for 1 person per team (max $100)
- Accredited NCCP courses required for your division (max $300 per head coach, $200 each for up to 3 assistant coaches)
- Cost of all coaches on roster to attend the Best Ever Clinic by OBA
Team budgets may NOT include the following items. Note this list is provided as an example of what is not to be included in the team budget and is not inclusive to all restrictions:
Electronic items such as an ipad, laptop, camera etc
Additional clothing items for coaches or parents (ie practice shirts, jackets, hoodies)
Sponsorship “finders fee” or commission for sponsorship is not permitted
No manager (head coach), assistant coach, trainer, administrative staff or any other team member are permitted to be paid for their services without approval from the board of directors.
10.10.3 Team equipment purchased with team funds remains the property of Newmarket Baseball Association. Team equipment must stay with the team/coach the following season, handed down to another team/coach within the NBA, or returned to the NBA at the end of the season.
10.10.4 Final team budgets shall be submitted to the BEC Members by the end of their baseball season. The team shall not carry forward a surplus into the following year.
The NBA will maintain a drug and alcohol-free environment for its managers, coaches, volunteers, players and officials.
Managers, Coaches, Volunteers, Players and other officials shall remain free of the influence of alcohol or drugs while in the performance of their duties. Failure to comply will be cause for disciplinary action up to and including removal from the Association.
Managers, Coaches, Volunteers, Players and other officials of the NBA shall refrain from using tobacco products during the performance of their duties. Failure to comply will be cause for disciplinary action up to and including removal from the Association.
12.1 Definition
The NBA shall maintain a zero tolerance policy towards harassment and abuse for its Managers, Coaches,Volunteers, Players and Officials. Harassment and abuse takes many forms but generally can be defined as comment, conduct or gesture directed towards an individual or group. Examples include but are not limited to: sexual, physical, name calling, threatening, ridiculing, intimidating, isolating or hazing of a Manager, Coach, Volunteer, Player or other Official. Harassment and abuse will not be tolerated. Failure to comply will be cause for disciplinary action up to and including removal from the Association.
An incident is defined as any misconduct by a Manager, Coach, Volunteer, Player or other Official as described above which occurs prior to the commencement of the game, during the game, and after the game.
12.2 All Elite, Rep and Select managers and house league bench staff or any onfield official must attend a mandatory information session with the Director of Rep and Select and the Umpire in Chief. This session is to review the proper coach conduct and methods to approach/speak to umpires. Sessions begin in January and must be completed by the end of May for house league, and start of season for Elite, Rep/Select. Failure to attend will result in removal from the team roster. This policy applies to new managers, coaches and on field officials as well as any coach that was ejected during the previous season. The Umpire In Chief may also mandate any other manager, coach or on field official to attend this mandatory information session.
12.3 Ejections/Incidents
Ejections as a result of harassment or abuse or an incident as defined in Section 12.1 may be given to either a Manager, Coach, Volunteer or Player with the following penalties imposed:
Coach Ejections/Incidents – First ejection/incident shall be the remainder of that game and a one-game suspension. Second offense resulting in a three-game suspension. Any further offense will require an appearance before the Disciplinary Committee composed of a minimum of three members of the board.
Player Ejections/Incidents – First ejection/incident shall be the remainder of that game and a one-game suspension. Second offense resulting in a three-game suspension. Any further offense will require an appearance before the Disciplinary Committee composed of a minimum of three members of the board. Coach representation is required at all player appearances before the Disciplinary Committee. If a player is under 18 years of age, a parent may accompany the player.
12.4 During the baseball season, no NBA Elite, Rep, Select or House League manager, head coach, assistant coach, trainer or team official shall remove their players from a game or refuse to play a game. If this occurs the party will be suspended immediately pending a hearing by the Discipline Committee.
The Directors for the Elite, Rep/Select and House League programs may demonstrate or provide evidence to the President that the removal of players or refusal to play the game was warranted. If the President agrees, he/she may cancel the suspension or continue with a full hearing. This hearing must take place within two weeks of suspension.
It is the function of the president of the newmarket baseball association to receive all complaints directed to the NBA. The president then has the following options:
Resolve the complaint if possible
Assign the complaint to a specific director for resolution
Assign to the BEC
Assign a disciplinary committee to investigate the complaint
Bring the complaint to the board of directors for resolution
The Disciplinary Committee will consist of the Board member designated as the Chair and at least two other Board members as appointed from time to time by the Chair.
The Disciplinary Committee will meet when an issue regarding conduct is brought before the Board by any member or person.
An issue will be regarded as being brought before the Board if a complaint in writing has been submitted to the President, the Secretary or the Administrator.
Upon being informed of an issue requiring a hearing, the Chair will convene a meeting as soon as possible, but not later than two weeks from the time of notification.
The defendant(s) will be notified in writing of the requirement to attend the hearing for the reasons stated in the complaint. They will be further notified that failure to attend may result in a binding verdict being levied against them.
The plaintiff(s) will be notified in writing of the hearing. The plaintiff(s) may attend and state their case or the plaintiff(s) may have their written submission stand as their complaint.
Witnesses and/or anyone who may bring value to the hearing will be allowed to attend. The Chair reserves the right to limit participation to a reasonable number of people and to limit debate to a reasonable amount of time as determined solely by the Chair.
Any participant in the Disciplinary Committee process may have a parent or guardian present if they have not reached the age of majority.
After hearing all the evidence and conducting any necessary due diligence, the Committee will meet in private to discuss the matter and render a decision.
As a general rule, the Committee will follow a multi- tiered disciplinary approach, with the severity of the penalty increasing for each subsequent infraction. However, the Committee reserves the right to impose a more severe penalty than the next subsequent tier in the process should the infraction warrant such a penalty. The penalties, in increasing order of severity are as follows:
Verbal Warning
Written Warning
Single Game Suspension
Multi Game Suspension
Season Long Suspension
Removal from Newmarket Baseball Membership
(i) The decision will be rendered in writing and will be forwarded to the plaintiff(s), defendant(s) and the Secretary.
(ii) The Secretary will forward the decision to the President.
(iii) The President will ensure that the decision is abided by.
Failure to abide by a decision of the Discipline Committee is in itself reason for suspension, without further recourse by the defendant(s).
The defendant(s) has the right to appeal any decision by the Disciplinary Committee to the President in the form of a “President’s Appeal”.
A President’s Appeal is a submission in writing to the President of the Newmarket Baseball Association.
As with all the President's Appeals, the appeal is only valid if it contains new evidence not previously known to the Discipline Committee.
The President’s decision is final.
14.1 The official colors of the NBA Jerseys are Hunter Green, Gold, White, Grey and Black.
14.1.1 For Representative teams, Green and Gold are the only acceptable colors for on-field apparel.
14.1.2 The only acceptable logos for apparel are the Hawks head, “N”, and “Hawks” in script font. Practice shirts and/or undershirts and shorts shall only bear the Hawks head or “N” logo. All teams shall order practice shirts from the same supplier as determined on an annual basis by the Uniform Committee (for 2025, the supplier is Centretown Sports).
14.1.3 Sponsor logos shall only be printed on official team jerseys.
14.2 A full uniform is defined as the official team jersey, team cap, and white baseball pants (no piping) for all Elite, Rep and Select teams. House League team uniform includes official team jersey, team cap and gray baseball pants. There are no specific color requirements for socks, belt, or the batting helmet. Socks should be predominantly green when worn with short pants.
14.2.1 The uniform rules for team-supplied jerseys, caps and practice apparel are as follows:
Green jersey is mandatory including number, name, logo and sponsor;
Teams can choose the second/third jersey options including number, name, logo and sponsor;
Black jersey is for Elite teams only including number, name, logo and sponsor;
Teams can choose their primary team cap;
All players on a team must have the same cap;
Secondary team caps are optional;
Black cap is for Elite teams only and cannot be purchased with the exception of for Elite teams;
Practice apparel may be comprised of the following for each Select, Representative or Elite teams:
Short sleeve practice shirt including colors, number, name and logo in either Green or Gold
Long sleeve practice shirt including colors, number, name and logo in either Green or Gold
Practice shorts including colors, number, name and logo in either Green or Gold.
14.2.2 Parent-purchased apparel shall include the following:
White player and coach pants – short or long, no piping or patterns;
Green belt;
Predominantly green socks.
14.3 Any elite, rep, select or house league player, parent, manager, coach or team official must obtain the permission of the NBA Equipment Uniform Committee to approve any purchase of apparel and/or items that include any of the Newmarket Baseball logos, the hawks logo, Newmarket Baseball Association name or any part thereof. Requests must be submitted, in writing, to the Director of Equipment.Administrator in writing.
14.4 No player or coach or assistant coach is permitted to use number 42 in honor of Jackie Robinson.
14.5 Failure to abide by this Section will result in referral to the Discipline Committee.
All diamond times must be approved by the Scheduler.
The NBA Board, Elite, Rep, Select or House League managers may request to host any tournament including House League, YSBA and OBA.
The following conditions must be taken into account:
diamond and umpire availability
diamond manpower (diamond maintenance in between games)
The tournament convenor or chair shall submit a request including a budget for approval by the Board at least six months prior to the event.
Requests shall be submitted to the Administrator and the President of NBA.
All umpires are required to be fully certified by Ontario Baseball Association guidelines. All umpires are under the direction of the umpire in chief.
17.1 For 2025 the umpire rate of pay is as follows:
Note: Pay rate listed is per umpire.
House League: |
Rep/Select: |
7U |
$45 |
8U |
$50 |
9U |
$50 |
9U |
$55 |
11U |
$55 |
10U/11U |
$60 |
13U |
$60 |
12U/13U |
$65 |
15U |
$70 |
14U/15U |
$80 |
18U |
$80 |
16U/18U |
$90 |
15U Elite (7 Innings) |
$110 |
16U/17U/18U Elite (9 innings) |
$120 |
22UAAA (9 innings) |
$120 |
17.2 Green armband pilot project penalty
Any abuse or harassment or bad behavior towards any umpire who is wearing a green armband will receive the following suspension:
1st Offense: Two Games
2nd Offense: Four Games
3rd Offense: You will be suspended indefinitely pending a hearing.
The board of directors will meet on a monthly basis, usually the third Thursday of each month to discuss upcoming events, review policies, present new ideas and discuss problems or issues. All directors of the board should attend all meetings throughout the year.
Newmarket Baseball shall hold an annual awards ceremony honoring coaches/ assistant coaches, players, volunteers and any other persons from the Board, House League, Select, Rep and Elite teams. The awards ceremony will be held on the second Wednesday in October.
Nomination forms will be sent out in September.
The Awards Committee will review all nominations and select the recipients that will receive an award at the awards ceremony.
19.1 Doug Yarenko Scholarship
The Doug Yarenko Scholarship is a financial scholarship awarded to one full-time student enrolled in an accredited Canadian university or college that has been a member of the NBA for any three years (minimum) as a player (House League, Select, Rep, Elite) and/or as an umpire. Applicants must submit the nomination form along with a one-page (maximum) essay to the Newmarket Baseball Association answering the following question: “What have you learned from baseball that has helped you in life and helped you contribute to our community?”
The recipient will be awarded at the annual awards ceremony in October.
NBA Harassment and Abuse Policy
NBA Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Policy