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Newmarket Baseball Association

Release Policy

Newmarket Baseball Association

Release Policy

NBA Release Request Form - Send to Vp of Rep at

Background Information

Each Affiliate is made of multiple clubs or associate members.

The Newmarket Baseball Association (NBA) is an associate member of the YSBA.

Each club has a franchised territory and is designated as the "home" club for all players who are resident within those boundaries. Each club is responsible for the management and releases of any OBA player who is a resident within that club's franchised territory.

NBA boundaries are the Town of Mount Albert, Queensville, Sharon and East Gwillimbury.

The OBA manages player movement through the use of releases to ensure a more equitable balance of players and teams within Ontario.

Releases are only required for players participating in OBA Rep programs and teams when a player wishes to play outside their "home" territory.

Examples for Newmarket residents who wish to play rep ball elsewhere:

Example 1: If you wish to play on a team within the YSBA (example Aurora or Vaughan) You need a release from the NBA.

Example 2: If you wish to play on a team outside of the YSBA (example Toronto) You need two releases: NBA & YSBA


Managers and Coaches are not authorized to approve releases in the NBA.


Release Policy and Procedure

  1. Any resident of Newmarket or players currently in our rep program can request an OBA/Rep playing release from the Newmarket Baseball Association (NBA)

  2. The NBA is not mandated to release any player

  3. The NBA seeks to develop a stronger Rep program. To that end:

  4. Free tryout period in YSBA from the day following Labor Day to October 31° each calendar year For 12U and above.

  5. The NBA will grant permission to practice during this time

  6. When a player has been offered a position or a position is available on an NBA team, releases may not be given

  7. Requests for release can be by electronic

  8. Release requests must come from the parent or guardian of any child under 18 years of age or from the player if 18 years or older at the time of the request

  9. Releases requests must include:

Full name of player

Home address, including city and postal code Phone number

Date of birth

Reason for the release

  1. Release requests which do not include the full information will not be considered until all information is received

  2. NBA may reject any release if the information provided, cannot be verified

  3. Requests for release must be sent to:

Newmarket Baseball Association (NBA)
Attention: Secretary or VP of Rep

                    NBA Release Request Form 
  1. All release requests which are received, will be responded to within 7 days to confirm their receipt. If you do not get a reply within 7 days, you must assume we did not receive the request. In that event, please contact the NBA Secretary who will confirm your mailing or emailing address

  2. The NBA will hold a special meeting to deal with release requests in early December. Quorum for this meeting shall be 5 NBA Executives. As soon as possible after that meeting we will notify requesters of the decision to grant or deny any release.

  3. The VP of Rep or the NBA President may request that the player attend at least two tryouts before a decision will be given.

  4. If the player did not attend regularly scheduled tryouts in September, the NBA can request the player attend tryout(s) in May when the teams have diamond times. The NBA is not required to provide additional tryouts until the Town of Newmarket allows us on the diamonds.

  5. Players refusing to make themselves available to tryout in May will be considered in breach of this policy and no longer eligible to request a release for that year.

  6. Note: YSBA number of imports per team 

    8U Minor Rookie Ball - 1
    9U Rookie Ball – 1
    10U Minor Mosquito – 3
    11U Mosquito – 3
    12U Minor Peewee - 4
    13U Peewee – 4
    14U Minor Bantam – 5 
    15U Bantam – 5
    16U Minor Midget – 7
    18U Midget – 8
    22U Junior – Unlimited 
  7. Decisions of the NBA Executive can be appealed to the York Simcoe Baseball Association. Inquiries may be directed to the Secretary at York Simcoe Baseball Association. Please look at the YSBA website.


  • Any player who has participated in 6 or more games for a team cannot be registered with another team that season.

  • No release will be granted or accepted unless the family has returned all NBA property and, where applicable paid all amounts owed to NBA an NBA team or an NBA supplier.



If a player is released, they may be entitled to a full or partial refund of their registration fee. No refund will be given if the request is denied. Tryout fees are non-refundable.

Based on the original written request date of the release of the player or their family, you are entitled to a refund as follows:

House League Refunds
Refunds shall be given, less a 20% administration fee, if requested prior to May 31st
Refunds shall be given, less a 50% administration fee, if requested between June 1st and June 30th.
Refunds shall not be given after June 30th.  However, in the event of an injury the VP Registration will review each individual case.
All refund requests should be directed to the VP Registration.
NSF cheques will be subject to a handling charge of $45.00.

Rep/Select Refunds
The commitment fee paid for all Elite, Rep and Select teams is not refundable.


Release Documents

When a player is released, the "Player Release" will be prepared by the VP Rep and Secretary. The release will be good for one season only. Exceptions are per OBA rules.


The release requires two signatures: one of the VP Rep and the other from the Secretary or President of NBA.


NBA will make a copy for their records and then make either hard copy or electronic copy available.

Registration is open for all players 4-18 years old!


Become an Umpire with Newmarket Baseball! Ages 12 and up!


New for 2025 - Player Evaluation Days for 7U, 9U, 11U and 13U!


Indoor Training is Back!
