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May 6, 2020 Update from Baseball Ontario

Safe Sport Update
May 6, 2020

Insurance Renewal

Baseball Ontario continues to hold coverage for the membership while we work through with the insurer
the renewal process for the 2020 season. The insurance application will be made available our member
associations in the coming weeks and the insurance application deadline of June 15th has been extended
to a date to be determined.

Online Activities

Some associations are taking advantage of technology to introduce online training for their players. Please
note the following insurance requirements to ensure coverage of your online training:

 Local clubs must sanction the online activity
 The online session to be led by a coach/instructor
 Advanced level instructing is not recommended or must be somehow limited to advanced
 There should be a student log‐in so its limited to members/students of the insured, if possible
 A disclaimer should be prominently displayed at the start of the video. Please contact the office
for a copy of the recommended Disclaimer.
 Students should be advised on safety at home – e.g. clear the area of debris, get a mat, etc.
 Premises liability wouldn’t be covered

Covid‐19: Return to In‐Person Events

The Safe Sport team at Baseball Ontario continues to monitor the situation and is working on a return to
play strategy that aligns with the Government of Ontario’s staged approach to resuming sport activity.
As you are aware, Baseball Ontario has suspended in person baseball activities through at least May 31.
At this time it is not clear where sport fits into the staged roll out plan announced by the Ontario
government. We expect an update on this from the Province at the end of May. However Baseball Ontario
continues to plan for a 2020 baseball season. We anticipate that when we are able to resume in person
activities, it will begin with small organized practices to be kept within the limits of gatherings the
government is likely to mandate along with compliance with provincial return to play guidelines.

Considerations for return to play include but are not limited to:

Travel – will be determined based on government and public health authorities' allowances for travel out
of region/community

Facilities – work with municipalities regarding the opening of facilities with enough time to prepare them
for competition, and be cognisant of any new guidelines for sanitization

Safety Guidelines Being Considered:

 Rule changes to accommodate social distancing
 Rules to limit contact (no high fives, handshakes, fist bumps etc.)
 Prohibit sharing of food/water and their containers
 Prohibit spitting, gum chewing, use of sunflower seeds, etc.
 No sharing of equipment (helmets, masks, etc.)
 Implementation of PPE, should it be mandated by the Government of Ontario
 Cleaning and sanitizing of shared spaces and equipment (baseballs)

With the most recent guidelines as outlined in the Provincial reopening plan, we are hopeful we will be
able to play some form of baseball in 2020. Certain considerations – as outlined in the list – will have to
be made, but it is our goal to play as much baseball as possible in 2020. With that in mind, we continue
to work with our partners towards a safe return to play plan.

Current Activity in Other Provinces (Updates from our Provincial Baseball Partners):

Baseball NL:

 Currently all in‐person activity suspended to May 31st.
 Based on NL government’s phase back plan, Earliest return – June 8th
 Awaiting direction from government and health officials with respect to guidelines and protocols

Baseball PEI:

 Currently all in‐person activity suspended indefinitely.
 Have been grouped into Phase 3 of PEI’s Provincial four‐phase plan
o Earliest return – June 12th
 Awaiting direction from government and health officials with respect to guidelines and protocols

Baseball Nova Scotia:

 Currently all in‐person activity suspended until June 1st
 Developed a contingency plan release for membership including key dates, based on government
 Awaiting direction from government and health officials with respect to guidelines and protocols

Baseball New Brunswick:

 Currently all in‐person activity suspended indefinitely.
 Offering online coaching and umpire training.
 Awaiting direction from government and health officials with respect to guidelines and protocols

Baseball QC:

 Currently all in‐person activity is suspended indefinitely.
 Have communicated to membership multiple scenarios for a shortened season (July 1st and
August 1st starts)
 Awaiting direction from government and health officials with respect to guidelines and protocols

Baseball Manitoba:

 Currently all in‐person activity suspended until May 30th
 Provincial Summer Games & Baseball West Championships have been cancelled.
 Provincial Championships currently have not been cancelled.

Baseball Saskatchewan:

 Currently all in‐person activity suspended indefinitely.
 Baseball West Championships have been cancelled.
 No current plans to cancel season or Provincial Championships.
o May reschedule for late August depending on when season starts

Baseball Alberta:

 Currently all in‐person activity suspended until June 1st
 Baseball West Championships have been cancelled.
 No current plans to cancel season or Provincial Championships.
 Awaiting direction from government and health officials with respect to guidelines and protocols

Baseball BC:

 Currently all in‐person activity suspended indefinitely.
 Baseball West Championships have been cancelled.
 Provincial Championships (equivalent of Baseball Ontario eliminations) have been cancelled. BC
Minor (Baseball BC's largest group) has not announced any decision to cancel their Provincial
 No outright cancellation of the season to this point.

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