Newmarket Hawks Mosquito Select June 30 2012EmailPrintShareDate: July 7, 2012Newmarket Hawks faced Richmond Hill Phoenix on June 30th 2012 at the Newmarket Fairgrounds. Brandon dives for the ball and just misses, Cameron moves over to first and Zach in right field moves in to cover first... Bradley lines up and gets the ball in his glove, Zach is still moving into position to cover the throw to first... Cameron is on first ready for the ball, Zach is still on the move to cover, Brandon is watching the play and laying low to stay out of the way... Perfect throw to first, Cameron makes the catch and the runner is out! Excellent play boys!! I thought he was going to trip on that bat.. thankfully he didn't although it would have been a great picture!! Going to steal.. We stole on you, we stole on you, while you were sleeping.... Number 43 having some bad luck on second, good for us though OUT! He makes the out, lots of time before the runner comes in Return to Gallery Index