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House League Call Ups


With a spring and summer sport, teams are always challenged to field a full roster of players because of vacations. In the older divisions, we also have to factor in kids missing games because of exams, school graduations or summer jobs. For this reason, we are looking for call ups.

What are call ups? 
Call ups are players from the division below who are interested in getting a taste of playing in the division above them.  So for example, a Rookie player would be a call up to Mosquito, Mosquito to Peewee and so on.  This is possible because call up divisions play on alternate nights.  Again, as an example, Peewee teams play on Mondays and Wednesdays so they can be called up to Bantam.  Bantam teams play on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Sometimes the call up will get plenty of notice that they are needed for a game.  Other times they might just get called that afternoon!  And just because you say you are willing to be a call up doesn't mean you can't say no when you get that call if you have something else planned that particular night.
Being a call up is a great experience.  Players get a taste of the division up and  try new skills.  For example, Rookie call ups get to experience batting against Mosquito pitchers and not a pitching machine.  Mosquito players get to slide into second base in Peewee if the Pitcher isn't paying attention to their aggressive lead off the base!  And, if you are a second year player, you'll get to know some players or coaches who you might play with next summer.
So think about it.  And if you are interested, please e-mail Carolyn or Tim, the Vice-Presidents of Junior House League (T-Ball, Junior Rookie and Rookie players) at or Mike McWilliams, the Vice-President of Senior Houseleague at  (Mosquito, Peewee and Bantam players) or Cathy MacNeil at for Midget and Junior Players.  These Executive members will keep the roster of call ups for your division,  This list will be provided to coaches, who can refer to it when they know they are going to be short. 
At the end of the day, call ups are vital.  Without them, a lot of teams might face having to forfeit the game.  And that's no fun for the kids, the parents or the coaches.
We'd really like to have the call up list in place by the end of the month -- Tuesday, May 31 -- but you can volunteer to be a call up at any time over the course of the spring and summer!  If circumstances change and you will no longer be available, you can e-mail the Executive Member to be removed from the list.
What we need from you:
Child's name
Child's division
Parent(s) name
Parent(s) email address
Parent(s) phone number at work
Parent(s) phone number at home 
Or if it is the best number to reach you at...Parent(s) cell phone number 

One more reminder, check the website to see if diamonds are open or closed, or call the Town of Newmarket Outdoor Sports Field Hotline at 1-877-PLAY936 (1-877-752-9936).
Let's all do the "Sun Dance" and play ball!

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