2010-05-16Click full story to see the Rookie games that have had a change in diamonds due to scheduling conflicts...the website schedule is apdated to reflect these changes.
1. 05/17/2010 - Monday - 6:45 PM - Quaker Hill Child Care vs. Bath Fitter - Diamond Change to College Manor
2. 05/24/2010 - Monday - 6:45 PM - McDonald's vs Mister Transmission - Diamond Change to College Manor
3. 06/07/2010 - Monday - 6:45 PM - Quaker Hill Child Care vs. The Auto Shoppe / Hoppe Landscaping - Change Game to Wednesday July 7, 2010 Fairgrounds # 2
4. 06/21/2010 - Monday - 6:45 PM - BAT Transportation vs. Bath Fitter - Diamond Change to College Manor
5. 07/05/2010 - Monday - 6:45 PM - Agrium Advanced Technologies vs. Quaker Hill Child Care - Diamond Change to College Manor