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Newmarket Hawks Elite Baseball dedicated website

The Newmarket Baseball Association is proud to announce the launch of its Hawks Elite Program and corresponding website for players at the Minor Bantam AAA, 15U Elite, 16U Elite, 17U Elite, 18U Elite, and Junior AAA levels.

The Newmarket Baseball Association is proud to announce the launch of its Hawks Elite Program to provide its players at the Minor Bantam AAA, 15U Elite, 16U Elite, 17U Elite, 18U Elite, and Junior AAA levels the highest levels of development, competitive, and showcase opportunities through a structured and collaborative approach.

Please visit the new dedicated Hawks Elite website to learn about 2019 teams, tryouts (starting in July 2018), and more.

Newmarket Hawks Elite Baseball site:


Current tryout details for Elite teams, including dates, times, locations, registration, fees, etc. are posted and continuously updated at and 


  1. Visit the home page of the above website and/or regularly to confirm tryout dates, times, and locations for your specific team.

  2. Complete the online registration form at as soon as possible. All interested players must pre-register regardless of when they are able to attend their first tryout.  A one-time $20.00 fee is payable upon registration.

  3. Contact the applicable head coach (see TEAMS/2019 STAFF for email addresses) if you have any questions about the 2019 team or the tryout process.

  4. Attend as many tryouts as possible.  Please contact the applicable head coach if you have schedule conflicts with your team’s tryout dates.

  • Tryouts are open to all players who are interested in a roster spot on the 2019 Newmarket Hawks Elite or AAA teams listed above.

  • Tryouts for Elite 15U, 16U, 17U, and 18U Elite do not require a release (i.e., there are no geographical boundaries during summer tryouts for Baseball Ontario's Elite Baseball League of Ontario teams).

  • Players for Elite 15U, 16U, 17U, and 18U Elite can be “signed” in July and August using a player/team agreement with rosters publicly announced in early September.

  • Interested played are asked to register online. If you are unable to attend one or more tryouts, please contact the applicable head coach (see TEAMS/2019 STAFF page for email addresses) to indicate your interest and discuss the tryout process.

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