Congratulations to 2017 NBA Award Honourees
2017-10-23The Newmarket Baseball Association proudly presented awards to several teams and individuals in House League, Select, and Rep divisions during its Annual General Meeting on Oct. 11, 2017. Please read on for the list of honourees.
The Newmarket Baseball Association greatly expanded its award categories two years ago to ensure many more of its players, coaches, teams, umpires, and volunteers – across house league, select, and rep programs in all divisions – receive deserved recognition and also to better align with the YSBA’s award categories.
Selected from nominations submitted by NBA members, below is a list of those honoured at the NBA's Annual General Meeting on Oct. 11.
Volunteers of the Year
-Jill Garazi, team manager for Rep Midget A
-Tina Hums, team manager for Rep Peewee AA
-Phil and Shannon Boley, house league coaches
Team of the Year
-Minor Midget AA: OBA Champions (coach Matthew Biemiller)
Rep Team Recognition
-Minor Mosquito AA (coach Jim Hughes)
-Mosquito AA (coach Dave Repath)
-Peewee AA (coach Jamie Cherutti)
-Minor Bantam A (coach Jay Bulger)
-Bantam Elite (coach Doug Lunney)
-Midget A (coach Rui Clara)
Frank Hollingsworth Awards for Sportmanship, Dedication, and Perseverence
-Cooper Kirby (peewee house league)
-Noah Gazmin (peewee house league)
-Cameron Andrews (bantam house league)
Player of the Year
-Graham Sim (Rep Minor Bantam AAA)
Pitchers of the Year
-Rep Bantam and Up: Zach Morgan-Yeates (Rep Minor Midget AA)
-Rep Peewee and Below: Matthew MacKenzie (Rep Peewee AAA)
Wes Green Awards for Umpires of the Year
-Ty Critch (Junior)
-Jason Cuypers (Intermediate)
-Richard Kung (Senior)
Coaches of the Year
-Rep: Danny Castellanos
-Select: Susan Jagger
-House League: Geoff Macpherson
-House League: Steve Bezanson
-House League: Devin Hastie
Congratulations to all of our nominees and honourees! Look for the nomination forms for 2018 awards next summer.
Selected from nominations submitted by NBA members, below is a list of those honoured at the NBA's Annual General Meeting on Oct. 11.
Volunteers of the Year
-Jill Garazi, team manager for Rep Midget A
-Tina Hums, team manager for Rep Peewee AA
-Phil and Shannon Boley, house league coaches
Team of the Year
-Minor Midget AA: OBA Champions (coach Matthew Biemiller)
Rep Team Recognition
-Minor Mosquito AA (coach Jim Hughes)
-Mosquito AA (coach Dave Repath)
-Peewee AA (coach Jamie Cherutti)
-Minor Bantam A (coach Jay Bulger)
-Bantam Elite (coach Doug Lunney)
-Midget A (coach Rui Clara)
Frank Hollingsworth Awards for Sportmanship, Dedication, and Perseverence
-Cooper Kirby (peewee house league)
-Noah Gazmin (peewee house league)
-Cameron Andrews (bantam house league)
Player of the Year
-Graham Sim (Rep Minor Bantam AAA)
Pitchers of the Year
-Rep Bantam and Up: Zach Morgan-Yeates (Rep Minor Midget AA)
-Rep Peewee and Below: Matthew MacKenzie (Rep Peewee AAA)
Wes Green Awards for Umpires of the Year
-Ty Critch (Junior)
-Jason Cuypers (Intermediate)
-Richard Kung (Senior)
Coaches of the Year
-Rep: Danny Castellanos
-Select: Susan Jagger
-House League: Geoff Macpherson
-House League: Steve Bezanson
-House League: Devin Hastie
Congratulations to all of our nominees and honourees! Look for the nomination forms for 2018 awards next summer.