13U Frequently Asked Questions
2025-01-01Click here for answers to Frequently Asked Questions about the 13U House League Program.
$400 - before March 1
$400 - March 1 to April 30
$500 - After May 1st
How do I register?
To Register Online: Click on the "Register Here" tab and then click "2025 House League Registration" option from the drop down menu. Registration will be open from January with early bird pricing in effect until March 1st. Register early to guarantee a place for your child/children!
What’s included in registration?
In addition to all practices and games, each player receives a team jersey, a baseball cap, a team photo and an individual photo, and end of season awards.
What’s the registration deadline?
Registration is due April 30th. Players who register after this date will pay an additional fee and may be placed on a wait list.
What equipment do I need?
Players need long grey baseball pants, running shoes, a baseball glove, a batting helmet and an athletic cup (boys only).
How will I know which team my child plays on?
You will be receive an update with information about your team and coach following the house league evaulations days.
When is opening day?
The season is set to begin Saturday May 10th, 2025
Can I request a specific coach or team?
New in 2025 players are NOT permitted to request a specific coach or team. Coaches are permitted to request their own child plus one assistant coach and their child. If you are sponsoring a team you may request a coach for your team plus your child.
Can I request that my child to be on the same team as another player?
Requests can be submitted during registration using the link provided. There is a 'special requests' section that you can request a coach or a friend to be on the same team. Players are permitted to submit ONE name only. The other player must also submit the request to be on the same team. Please note that not all requests can be guaranteed.
Which days will my child have games?
13U teams play on Mondays and Wednesdays. In May and June there will be additional practices scheduled on Saturdays. Starting in July there are no weekend practices and also no games scheduled on long weekends.
What time do games start and end?
Game times are 6:30pm to 8:30pm or 8:45pm to 10:45pm. Please plan to be at games 15 minutes prior to game time. Please note that there will only be games scheduled at the 8:45pm time slot if needed due to numerous rainouts. Late games would not be scheduled during the school months.
How many games will my child play?
13U teams play 16 to 18 games plus a guarantee of at least 2 games during the playoff weekend.
When is playoff weekend?
Closing weekend for 13U is August 9th - 10th, Raindate is August 16-17th
What diamonds will my child play on?
Cane Parkway
Ken Sturgeon Park
Proctor Park
If I have further questions, who do I contact?
If you have further questions about 13U, contact the office at (905) 715-7566 or email interhouseleague@newmarketbaseball.com.